We go right to the ring and out comes WWE Champion Drew McIntyre as the developmental talents cheer him on from the crowd.
McIntyre welcomes everyone and plugs his match against Dolph Ziggler for “The Horror Show at Extreme Rules” pay-per-view. McIntyre talks about how he’s letting Ziggler pick the stipulation for the match. McIntyre calls Ziggler out so he can reveal the stipulation.
Ziggler comes to the stage and says the stipulation is… a secret. Ziggler says he’d be a sucker if he let McIntyre know about the stipulation before the match. Ziggler goes on about McIntyre giving him the power to pick the stipulation. McIntyre interrupts and shuts him down to a pop. The back & forth on the mic continues. Ziggler brings up how McIntyre has stabbed people in the back and forgotten about them. It’s not just Ziggler. But Ziggler has brought someone here tonight who McIntyre did wrong in the past. Out comes Heath Slater with no music.
The announcers acknowledge that McIntyre’s former 3MB partner Slater was recently let go. He walks down to the ring with Ziggler and enters. Slater says he’s known Drew for more than a decade, they go way back more than anyone knows. Slater goes on and recalls sitting at home with his family in April, watching McIntyre defeat Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 36. Slater jumped up and cried, probably the first time his kids saw him cry. It was all joy in his heart for Drew. Slater talks about how when Drew was released years ago, he checked in on Drew every day and came to visit him. Because Drew was his brother. Slater asks where Drew was for him. Where were you for me? Slater says to let that sink in. Slater says he hasn’t spoken with Drew in how long? Drew doesn’t know. What a surprise, Slater says. He reminds Drew they spoke on The Bump, the only show that let him come on and speak his mind. Slater mentions how Drew knows his real kids, his two daughters. They are all for daddy and he’s fighting for them. Slater takes off his glasses and brings up how Drew said on The Bump that he would petition to have a match with Slater. But what happened… he’s on the unemployment line. Slater says this might be his last chance but he’s here to take this opportunity. Slater wants Drew to give him what he deserves. What Drew as a friend promised Slater. The crowd claps again for Slater. Slater shoves Drew back with one arm. Some boos in the crowd. Drew isn’t angry. Slater slaps him and asks what about now? The boos pick up and Drew looks a bit angry. “You’re on, you got your fight,” Drew says. He drops the mic and we go to commercial.
Heath Slater vs. Drew McIntyre
Back from the break and it’s time for the non-title match between WWE Champion Drew McIntyre and Heath Slater. They are both in street clothes.
The bell rings but Drew immediately puts Slater down with a big Claymore Kick. Drew covers Slater for the pin to win, while staring Ziggler down.
Winner: Drew McIntyre
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