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 Drew McIntyre

While many fellow 15-year-olds were worried about sitting at the “popular table” at lunchtime, Drew McIntyre was already training to become a WWE Superstar. He didn’t have to wait terribly long to achieve his dream, either, as the endlessly athletic Scotsman skyrocketed from the U.K. independent scene to the big show, WWE, at just age 22. The outlook was so bright for the 6-foot-5 McIntyre that when he first arrived, Mr. McMahon labeled him a “future World Champion.” The Chairman was eventually proven correct, though fulfilling that prophecy did not come easily for McIntyre.

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Time: Monday’s 8/7PM CT
Channel: USA Network

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Time: Saturday’s 8/7PM CT
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» Webteam: Jane, Kat & Bea
» Established: October 14th, 2015
» Domain: Drew-McIntyre.com
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Drew-McIntyre.Com (formerly Drew-Galloway.Com) is an unofficial fansite on WWE Wrestler Drew McIntyre. The site is affiliated with Drew, but we are so in a direct way HOWEVER we are not affiliated with ANY company that he has worked for in the past and this currently includes WWE & other wrestling promotions that he has worked for. All media that is used on Drew-McIntyre.com is used under Fair Copyright Law 107. We do not claim to own any of the content except the ones we put our name on. If we display any of your content without crediting, please feel free to contact us. Thank You. Full Disclaimer

WWE Raw Results – December 3rd, 2018
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Baron Corbin is in his office and he gets what he has been looking for over the last hour. Baron looks at it and says he will love it. Baron tells him to get everything ready for Drew McIntyre Appreciation Night.

Baron Corbin is in the ring and he says in two short weeks, he will be Raw’s General Manager. What a journey it has been. From winning Money in the Bank to being championship caliber to being constable to General Manager Elect. Baron says if you are born better than everyone else, you can achieve anything.

Baron says he has had a few thorns in his side. The Shield, Finn Balor, Kurt Angle, and Braun Strowman. With the help of one person, this journey has been pain-free. Tonight is Drew McIntyre Appreciation Night.

Baron brings out Drew McIntyre.

Baron thanks Drew for all of his hard work and unwavering support. He says Drew is on the right side of history. There needs to be something to commemorate all that Drew has done.

Baron gives Drew a Gold Medal of Excellence.

Drew says he did what no one else would do. He is here to eradicate complacency. People were in the back playing games on their phones. They were happy to collect their paychecks. Drew says they were responding to thinks said about them on social media.

Drew says he made Raw in his image. Drew says it is something that has to happen every day, not just Monday. Drew says that Finn Balor thinks he is the voice of these pathetic people. Finn is nothing more than a boy in a man’s world. At TLC, he will hurt Finn and break his spirit.

Dolph Ziggler makes his way to the ring.

Dolph asks Drew if he is having some memory problems. He brought Drew to Raw and they were dominating. Dolph says he was the brains and Drew was the muscle. Dolph says his invitation got lost in the mail.

Drew tells Dolph the truth is that he was never invited. Drew says you don’t quite meet the height requirement for one. Drew says he is going to drop a truth bomb on Dolph. He was always the brains and brawl. Drew says he is the whole damn package. The relationship was working, but it is not working any more. Your role was to get him in a prominent position and you did it. You succeeded for once in your life. Drew thanks Dolph and tells him to leave.

Drew tells Dolph he can leave at any time. Drew says his thanks isn’t good enough for Dolph. Drew wonders if Dolph is going to cry. Drew says that he is the reason Dolph is relevant for the first time in ten years.

Dolph punches Drew and Dolph with a Zig Zag.

Baron tells Dolph that he is not going to ruin Drew McIntyre Appreciation Night. You have a match right now.

We go to commercial.

Drew McIntyre versus Dolph Ziggler

The match is joined in progress and Drew says something to Dolph. Dolph with a punch but Drew blocks a kick and takes Dolph to the mat and catapults Dolph into the ring post and Dolph goes to the floor. Drew gets Dolph on his shoulders and Drew tosses Dolph back into the ring. Drew kicks Dolph and applies an armbar. Drew runs his other arm across Dolph’s face after sending Dolph back to the mat.

Dolph stomps on the foot and punches Drew. Dolph with chops and he goes for the hesitation DDT but Drew holds on and hits a backdrop on Dolph. Drew with a chop and Dolph is sent to the floor. Drew says he has been taking it easy on Dolph so he will think that Dolph is Finn Balor. Drew runs Ziggler into the ring apron, ringside barrier and then hits a spinebuster. They return to the ring and Drew blocks a punch and chops, Dolph.

Finn Balor makes his way to the stage.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ziggler with chops while we see Balor at ringside. Ziggler with an elbow and boot to Drew. Drew with an elbow in the corner and then he hits a reverse Alabama slam for a near fall. Drew puts Ziggler on the turnbuckles and chops Dolph. Drew with a chop across the chest and he sets for a superplex but Ziggler with punches. Drew goes to the mat and Ziggler goes for a hesitation DDT and he hits it. Dolph gets a near fall. Ziggler with an elbow and he sends Drew over the top rope to the floor. Dolph comes off the apron and he punches Drew.

Dolph with chops against the ringside barrier. Drew with a headbutt to Ziggler and then he drops Ziggler on the ringside barrier. Drew sends Ziggler back into the ring and the referee goes down. Balor with a dropkick to Drew. The referee starts his count and Drew beats the count into the ring. Ziggler with a superkick for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

We are back and Drew McIntyre is asked about what he did to Dolph Ziggler. Drew says that Dolph was never his friend. He was a means to an end. Dolph is an enemy. Dolph knows how twisted and sick he can be. Drew says he is the mountain and he will come crashing down on Dolph Ziggler. Finn Balor is a marked man.

We are back and Finn Balor is asked about what he has done tonight and he is attacked by Drew McIntyre. Officials try to stop Drew but it is not too successful. Drew says he is fine and he leaves but Finn is not moving. Drew lied and he attacks Finn some more.


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