Drew McIntyre vs. Sean Maluta
Drew takes a knee in his corner, staring down his competition. He and Maluta grapple until the referee breaks them up and Drew gestures towards the centre of the ring. Maluta slowly walks there and they continue grappling into the opposite corner where the ref breaks it up again. Crosschops by McIntyre. Maluta hits back but McIntyre hits harder, knocking Maluta to the ground twice. He’s man-handling this guy.
McIntyre with a suplex slam showing off incredible strength. Irish whip to the corner. Gets a boot to the face. Maluta leaps to the top rope, launches himself and hits a Codebreaker of sorts on McIntyre for a 1 count. Right hands by Maluta, followed by a flying forearm in the corner. McIntyre reverses the whip and kicks Maluta as he springs up, right in the chin. Ouch.
McIntyre’s breathing deeply and he unloads right hands on Maluta. Up to the top rope, elbow to the head of Maluta, dropping him to the mat. Maluta’s got some fight left in him but McIntyre headbutts him in the face…and he’s bleeding from underneath the right eye. He charges up and nails Maluta with his running front kick (Claymore) to the face. Pinfall is successful.
Winner: Drew McIntyre
Post-match, McIntyre’s interviewed on the ramp. He’s not concerned with Wesley Blake, but if Blake wants a little attention, he can get in the ring next week. Sounds like a challenge to me.
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